Thursday, June 16, 2005


I checked to make sure that I had my clips. Then we stormed the base en masse. Don’t remember the first victory very well. It seems that we won, and that we were challenged to a rematch. By the second time I was so far into the dream that I didn’t know how to reload and where my grenade was. I knew were my pistol was a and were my machine gun was, but couldn’t remember where the fresh clips are. I had to use my pistol, which seemed to have unlimited shoots, with no reloading, just pull back the hammer each time. Before long, I was shooting people right below their WWI helmets in the forehead, and it would just make a bright red round circle, and then they would fall over.
It was a lot like a computer game, because I didn’t use sound very much, I had very little peripheral vision, and there was at the top left of my view, 4 little buttons, one of them said “something” clip. Like reload, un-attach, unbolt, something like that. Except that once I hit the button, then it simply wouldn’t do anything except loosen the clip so I could take it out. Then I had to put in a fresh clip. I wonder what Battlefield 1942 and all those WWII games are like. Never played one before, but this felt like one of them all over.
So we stormed the base a second time. I sneaked around the back way and took out the guards, and burst through the door. I mowed a couple people down and then moved onto the next room. Apparently, to win the game, we had to capture some scientist and escort him back or something. Then I had to find my fresh clips, which by then I had forgotten. Now I can remember that I had them in my lower left leather pocket, there were two clips, in leather cases. About as wide as two fingers, and about an inch longer. Any way, I was out of ammunition so I pulled out my pistol, which I taunted the other people with saying “It’s a sniper pistol” Then they would just cower and/or run. As I walked out the back door, they sorta like surrounded me, But there was people from both sides, and they were just talking. They one of them, looking a whole lot like my older brother, chased after me saying something like “After him, he stole . . . . he must be dead soon” Can’t remember what I stole. But anyway, he was after me, and I ran out of ammo for my pistol, so I got out my machine gun. We ran around a good long time, till he jumped and tackled me, and asked me why I didn’t shoot him. I responded that I didn’t remember where I had put my spare clips. He said something like, Joe, stupid, they are right there. Then I pulled them out, and looked at them and said, yeah, but I guess the game is over. Although He tackled me, he didn’t seem to be on the opposite team, cause I didn’t say good game to him, only to the other people in that group.
The machine gun was basically my paintball gun, with instead of the Co2 can being right down in front, there was a nice drop forward. I took the clips out of the handle like a pistol, and then slammed my hand up into the butt of the pistol, right were the clip should be, as if I was pretending that the pistol worked and shot and everything, and that I was just fooling around with my paintball marker.


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