Sunday, November 13, 2005


So Someone asked me what I wanted to do when I "grow up". I said I wanted to help people in need in 3rd world countries, especially in Africa. I said that there are three ways of helping people over there.

1) send over money/resources
2) Raise Awareness to have other people do #1
3) Preform missionary work over There

Now, I could do #3 and consider that my vocation. But when/if I become a director or such like position, I can do both #1 & #2 with just myself and one life. Kill to two birds with one stone, so to speak. So I think with my talents with a camera, I can be a more effective hand of God by becoming what I need to become


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only problem with sending over $ is that government corruption pretty effectively renders it null and void. Perhaps you should make it your mission to contribute to the rise of good governments in Africa first, and that could possibly be started through prayer, which can happen right now. That was a run on. Oh well, cheerio, Moose!
- The DT, plagued by stupid blogger website that doesn't like her password X(

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