Monday, December 19, 2005


This is a good nice long blog, cause I won't be able to for a goodly amount of time.

I feel the need to go on a long walk with my sword in period garb with a friend or two and walk a good solid 20 miles. Not over the mountain like last time though. But put some serious distance in.

I've been thinking about things, future and general stuff. I'm gonna put a hell of a lot of time into this movie coming up, and need to do a serious job, if I'm gonna do this for the rest of my life. Also, this is like the first chance I get to show everyone I'm not messing around, that I am one teenager who is not screwing around, but is dead serious, and is going to be serious for the rest of his bloody life, thank you very much. Bloodly Junior year, though. Way too much time spent on school, not enough on movie.

As for Christmas, I'm getting a 250 gb HD, which will be useful, seeing as I have very little space on the other HD. Other than that, I'm just waiting around for the shooting dates. I'm actually only looking forward to playing Thief 3 and hanging out with my brothers. Oh, and I'll be earning some moneys to pay for the HD and Thief 3 and presents for people and new cell phone(old one is on its last legs) and other expensises. Bloody hell. I have no money any more. Maybe I could win a couple film festival prizes...

Been reading about film things and the way it all works. Never know too much.

I thought this saying up. Been growing on my mind, cause I do happen to be an idealist.

"There is no such thing as a harmless idealist. Idealists always try to recreate something. Nothing is recreated without harm to the original creation."


Blogger Em said...

People who are dead serious usually end up dead first.
Just kidding. But, "seriously" you need to lighten up a bit. Just a bit. There's nothing wrong with your being pessimistic, cynical and idealistic, but all the time makes you seem the tiniest bit insane.
I wonder why I'm even writing this, especially since you never reply to them. It makes me wonder if I'm wasting my time putting all this thought into my entries.
On a completely unrelated note, you will be receiving, hopefully sometime this christmas season, a very serious knitted...something. It will be about as serious as knitted can get.

10:38 AM  
Blogger blackandwhite said...

hmm..ur rt dt...moosey never responds anymore...o well....don't take life too seriously moosey or u won't have any fun, and having fun is more important than success b/c it never lets u down if ur happy...of course u are pessimistic...and cynical...and many other insane things...but look on the brightside once in a while and take a break...don't overwork urself

10:15 AM  

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